I Have
John Lennons' Glasses!
JohnLennonsGlasses.com ~ JohnLennonGlasses.com
you have any photos of John Lennon taken during 1977 - 1979?
Look closely at the glasses that John is wearing in your photos
...are they these glasses?

for a very large image in a pop up window.
I need a clear (and REAL) photograph of John wearing these glasses.
I firmly believe that this pair of glasses had been owned by John
I believe that it is possible that a fan or photographer somewhere,
happened to get a photograph of John Lennon on a day when he was
wearing this pair of spectacles.
If you can provide genuine photographic evidence that shows John
Lennon wearing this unique pair of glasses... I will auction the
glasses and share some of the proceeds with you! :-)) |
got in touch withYoko! (indirectly)
I wrote a letter
to Yoko Ono explaining about the glasses (I included pictures)
and asked if she remembers this pair
of glasses or the incident (described
below). I also requested that she pick the charities that
would benefit from a percentage of the auction. I sent a letter
to her at the address of the Dakota apartment building in New
York City and found her MySpace page where I sent the letter
to her via email. And I waited...well I didn't really expect
any response. Then a few weeks later I got a letter from a
law firm in NYC. I opened it up and it was a response from
Yoko Ono's lawyers!
In a very short and to the point letter he basically said that "Mrs.
Lennon has no recollection of the event...".
That's about what I expected...so now I hope to find the person
who has the photograph of John Lennon wearing this pair of glasses!
Look through your old Beatles and John Lennon photographs...
At least ONE of them may be worth far more than you thought!
Yes, it's true...
I have a pair of rose tinted, engraved antique 12K Gold frame sunglasses
with mother of pearl nosepads
that may have been owned by John Lennon!

Click for a BIG picture
in a pop-up window ...AND I WANT TO
(Actually, I don't really want to sell them...
after all, they I believe that they had been owned by John Lennon
AND they are really nice glasses...
but I need the money, of course)
I would like to authenticate
that they were John Lennons' glasses...
But I can't... because I have no physical proof that they had been
owned by John Lennon.
(unless you could test for John Lennons' DNA in the bit
of gunk under the nosepads!)
I just have the story of how I came to own them, which I will tell you
But I need YOUR help!
One of YOU may have a photograph or have some information that can help
me in my quest...
YOU may be able to help me to authenticate these were indeed John Lennons'
... and YOU could earn a portion of the auction sale of these beautiful
and oh-so-cool 12K gold glasses may have been previously owned by John
(I also intend to give a portion of the sales proceeds to the American
Cancer Society)
my story (or the truth as I know it)...
While attending high
school on Long Island sometime in late summer of 1979 my best friend
gave me a pair of glasses and said that he had gotten them from John
He told me that he had been in Central Park in New York City and saw John
Lennon and Yoko Ono sitting on a park bench. He snuck up and snatched
Johns' hat (which I presume was not on his head at the time!) and ran
like hell. When he stopped to examine his ill-gotten booty, he found the
glasses inside the hat.
Shortly thereafter,
he began to feel remorse over his impulsive action and,
just as impulsively, he threw away the "smelly old hat" because
he felt guilty about it
(I wish he had kept that "smelly old hat").
But he kept the glasses because, after all...they were really
nice glasses.
But then he felt
more guilt and did not want to keep the glasses anymore.
But they were too nice to simply throw away...
So he gave them to me!!
When he presented
the glasses to me and told me his tale of teenage foolishness and
guilt I asked him if he was sure that he wanted to part with these
beautiful glasses that had been owned by someone we both deeply admired.
He said that he felt awful about what he had done and they made him feel
guilty every time he looked at them. So I accepted them...and felt
no guilt at all ;-)
I wore them frequently
that last year of high school. I often told friends (and girls that I
was trying to impress) that they had belonged to John Lennon. There are
a few pictures in my high school yearbook of me wearing the glasses with
my long hair and attitude.
That was back in
1979...when I had much longer hair and fewer responsibilities.
I now am losing my hair, married with one child (so far) and numerous
bills to pay.
And all these years, I've had John Lennons' glasses sitting on a shelf
in an eyeglass case, thinking that they could help pay a few bills ...if
I could verify/prove that they were previously John Lennons' glasses
and sell them! And it seems that due to a 5 year statute of limitations,
I legally own them now!
I have more information
about this beautiful pair of glasses, more pictures of the glasses,
some pictures of John Lennon wearing various pairs of glasses that
will be added to this site very soon.
This pair of glasses have some unique features and history to them (including
a famous auction house that had them for a month while trying to authenticate
them), details of which will be available soon on this website.
Check back here for
Thanks for visiting,